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The space of a journey

To be on a journey is to be ‘nowhere’, having left but not yet arrived. Entering a vehicle in one location, time passes, landscapes change, and one exits somewhere else entirely. A very familiar journey can pass through places which are totally unknown to us, it can take us along routes which have been traversed for thousands of years, or newly created to shrink the distances between us ever further.  The things seen evoke memories of routes travelled, stimulate thoughts about what lies just out of view, and make us consider the ways we communicate with distant places.

The various prints here, all of which owe their existence to thoughts about the nature of journeys, are part of a large body of work which brought together these many and various ideas about places which lie in between. They evoke landscapes, and make visible ideas of the places we pass through as the otherness of being in a space of transit gives a hunger for places that matter.   

There is a distinct story behind most of the works in this series as most were the product of a single long familiar journey and I had lots of time to think, so if you’re interested in knowing more about a specific series, please use the contact form to get in touch.

Rough Edges

etching from a steel plate 


Standing Still

Etching from a steel plate 

Perhiperal Vision 
Etching from a steel plate 


Etching from etched steel plates 

A man who looks on Glass

A series of monoprints

using 7 different drypoint plates 

The man who looks on glass.JPG

Along the grey line 

A series of prints

from photo intaglio prints on steel


© 2022 by Maggie Thompson.   Proudly created with

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