Prints about the Pandemic
Each of the three lockdowns of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 had its own individual character and as such the temporal space of each was distinct and the work I made very different for each.
It was the first which had the biggest impact on my work and I explored and made sense of the time we were required to 'Stay at Home' by creating 103 individual prints which form a distinct body of work.
Lockdown 1
Lockdown 1 was a novelty at first. Its main message was to ‘stay at home’. There was a strong community feeling and the sun shone. The plates from this period are made from materials associated with the pandemic, tin cans supplied by my neighbours, the information leaflets sent by the Government advising us how to stay safe. The prints from this space of time hint at a simpler way of life and are bright as the colours of my garden suffused my thoughts.
Marking Time
There are 103 individual small prints in 'Marking Time' . Each represents one day in the lockdown of 2020 which began on 23rd March. Each print is made from a food tin lid supplied by my neighbours. They reference the importance of our communities, remind of the role of food when supermarket shelves emptied and meals became the day’s focus. The material implies our containment, and the characteristic concentric rings suggest looking through microscope to see the tiny details of one’s home.
The simple house shapes evolved from the home screen icons of social media used to keep in touch at this time.
Lockdown 2
During the second lockdown I undertook an online residency and while I made no ‘work’ in this period I started to explore the ideas which resulted in the prints under the ‘Virtual Space’ heading as used my computer to explore places I could not actually be.
Lockdown 3
By lockdown 3 we were weary of the pandemic, desperate for it to end, feeling as if we were fossilising in our homes starved of our friends and family. Consequently ‘Bound’, the series of prints made during this period hint at our fragility, and the complexity of the emotions we experienced and reference the ties that bound us to the places we live.