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Lets start at the very beginning


Hello and welcome to my blog. You join me in my kitchen where my studio assistant, Atticus, is overseeing proceedings as usual.

Today I’ve finally got to the point where I think I might be able to publish my web site. About time!!!!

It’s been over a year since I’ve had much of its basic shape sorted and I know that I’m prevaricating, though not sure why. I can, and do, make excuses. The pictures I have taken aren’t as good as I would wish at this point and my camera has broken so I can’t take new ones now. But I’m fully aware that when I can improve them the photos can be changed, so perhaps I just need to be brave and press the button.

I’m thinking about the other things, apart from the work, that I might like to include as the capabilities of the site I have are way more than I understand or am capable of using fully.

As I don’t share much other than the work itself on my Instagram, and I see the main pages of this web site as a more 'formal 'space, I thought it might be good to share thoughts and ideas, and what I’m reading, and work in progressin a blog. It is likely to show just how slow I am in working from initial ideas through to a final piece, but perhaps that might be of interest in itself.

So today you find me in that difficult stage. I’ve got new work from the ‘Dark Skies’ series on show as part of the Grounded Printmakers Spring Show at Hotbed Press in Salford. It’s up on the wall until this Sunday ( 26th) .

But what that means is that I’m in that dreadful limbo place; wondering where to go next. I have plates from the current series which I haven’t yet printed. But with 13 prints up and framed the impetus to complete them has gone, and I’m going to need to mix up more ink and match it to that I’ve already used (this too is probably an excuse like the not perfect photos on my website).

I have work I could return to, an exploration of the stone circles I saw at Tregaseal and Boscawn-Un in Cornwall when I did a short residency there in November 2022. But that’s starting to feel a bit remote both in terms of time and distance, and perhaps I need to visit some more circles to reinvigorate my interest in that subject.

So where next.

If I’m brave enough to be honest about the way I work you’ll see me going through a dreadful phase that I always think of as a ‘scattergun’, where my work is all over the place in terms of style and subject matter, and I panic that I’ll never make a decent print again, and then finally (hopefully) I’ll begin to realise what is interesting me most and begin to make sense of it by making the work.

So I hope you’ll join me on this, the most difficult part of my printmaking journey as I go blindly forward not knowing where I will end up.

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